Traveling to India!



From December 29th - February 6th I will be away in India taking an advance yoga teacher training and traveling with my teachers visiting a couple holy cities of India. I will be back to work Tuesday, February 11th 2020!

I know this is a huge inconvenience and I truly apologize ! But ya know, there are some things in life that you are just called to do and sometimes life is arranged in a way for it to manifest and you gotta just say YES! #thetimeisnow

I am available for appointments until December 28th (except for 12/24 & 12/25) and there are appointments available throughout December! I hope to see you before I leave !

I wish you many holiday blessings & clear intention setting for the new year !

::Hari Om Tat Sat::

In service,

Braja Sundari Radha (Brie Jacobs)
